Beginning May 18, 2020, we will return to regular clinic hours 8 am – 4:30 pm. COVID-19 measures will remain in place to promote patient and employee safety including enhanced screening and social distancing efforts. The safety and well-being of our patients, employees, and partners are of the utmost importance to us.
- Visitor restrictions remain in place.
- Come in alone for all clinic visits. Spouses/partners/children/parents are not allowed in the facility at this time. Videoconferencing using the patient’s phone can be done to engage the partner at the discretion of the physician and all other healthcare providers.
- All patients should wear a face mask during the entire stay in the clinic.
- Physical distance as much as possible when in the clinic.
- Report any symptoms or COVID-19 exposure so that appropriate medical management can be undertaken.
- If you are sick, please contact the clinic prior to coming to your appointment for instructions.
- To check-in, upon arrival in the parking lot call the front office at 318-841-5800.
- Make sure your temperature is checked upon entering the clinic. All patients entering the clinic should have a temperature taken at the entrance. Patients with a temperature above 100.0 should be treated as potentially COVID-19 positive.
- The waiting area will be monitored to maintain appropriate physical distancing. If physical distancing can not persistently be achieved due to physical limitations of space patients will be asked to remain in their vehicle until it is time to be seen.